The construction process can be influenced and assisted by a number of laws and local regulations.
We've gathered some important information in one place for your convenience.
Urban Image Manual
With the aim of developing and protecting the aesthetic living environment of the settlements, the introduction of the Urban Image Manual of Budapest in 2017 has created a gap-filling opportunity to define and socialize the characteristic urban features of the city.
This manual is not just for professionals. It is primarily an outreach publication that helps inform municipal decision-makers and the public. Instead of a maze of legislation, it briefly, concisely, and comprehensibly sets out the expectations of a community for the formation of their environment.
For the settlements, the manual defines the characteristics of the settlement image, the parts of the settlement that are well-separable by image characteristics and values, the proposals for the quality formation of the settlement image, as well as the architectural elements and development sketches that fit the settlement image and at the same time shows direction to builders.
The Manual has been completed in all settlements and can be downloaded from the website of the Municipality.
Urban Image Manual of Budapest
Urban Image Manual of each district of Budapest
National Sample Design Catalog
The primary goal of the National Sample Design Catalog is to support residential constructions and increase the quality of the built environment of the Hungarian countryside in connection with the Hungarian Village Program. To this end, the Prime Minister's Office and its professional background institution, the Lechner Knowledge Center, have developed a database of family house designs that also contain regional characters and are available free of charge on the Internet. Thanks to the application, it has become cheaper and faster for Hungarian families to obtain professionally assessed and technically verified design documentation suitable for on-site adaptation, prepared for simple notification process. They can find the most important information and knowledge in one place which helps them in selecting the plan and preparing for construction.
Through the sample plans, the settling Hungarian families will also receive credible guidance on the detailed construction costs of the planned building. The downloadable plans are adapted by local architects to the family’s plot, thus ensuring compliance with local regulations, the incorporation of regional and local architectural features, and the survival of the local culture. The National Sample Design Catalog is in line with the attitude-shaping role of the settlement image protection regulation created in 2016, while the plans – being adapted to local architecture – can be implemented in accordance with the quality requirements set out in the Settlement Image Manuals.
National Sample Design Catalog