General MeetingThe main decision-making forum for active members. Its authority is the Regular and Extraordinary Election of New Officers. Its other authorities are performed by the Regional Delegate Assembly.
Regional Delegate AssemblyThe main decision-making forum for elected regional delegates. An organizational unit that replaces the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assemblies.
Board of DirectorsElected governing body, the main administrative body that directs the professional work by implementing the decisions of the General Assembly (Regional Delegate Assembly).
SecretariatCommissioned administrative body that performs the administrative tasks delegated to the competence of the Chamber and assists the administrative responsibilities of the organizational units.
Supervisory BoardElected audit body that supervises the operation and management of the organizational units, and the compliance with (legal) regulations and decisions.
Ethical and Disciplinary CommitteeElected administrative body that contributes to the development of professional and ethical standards and conducts ethical-disciplinary proceedings in the first instance.
Nomination CommitteeElected administrative body that compiles a list of candidates for each position in preparation for the Election of New Officers
Supervision of ProfessionAppointed administrative body, the working unit of the Board of Directors, which monitors the legality and professionalism of the architectural activities.