The Chamber of Budapest Architects operates in the House of Architects (Budapest, VIII. Ker. Ötpacsirta u. 2.), together with three other organizations, the Chamber of Hungarian Architects, the Association of Hungarian Architects, and the Master School of the Építész Mester Egylet (Master Association of Architects). The ground floor rooms of the palace are suitable for professional and representative events, the upstairs rooms accommodate offices.
The Építészpince Restaurant also operates here.
The building was designed by Antal Gottgeb for Kálmán Almássy in 1877. At the beginning of 1948, it became the property of the Center for Architectural Sciences, and later its legal successor, the State Institute of Architectural Science and Design operated here. The building has been the headquarters of the Association of Hungarian Architects since the autumn of 1954. In 1997, after its establishment, the Chamber of Hungarian Architects and the Chamber of Budapest Architects also moved here.
- on foot from Kálvin tér in the pedestrian area of Baross utca to the corner of Reviczky utca, then turning left in Ötpacsirta utca
- public transport: by metro M3 or M4, or by buses No. 9, 15, 115 or trams No. 47, 49 to Kálvin tér, or by metro M2 to Astoria, from there on foot or by trams No. 47, 49 to Kálvin tér
- by car from direction of Múzeum krt. – Múzeum utca, parking is recommended in the Pollack underground garage